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Our Human Resources Policy is :

- To create an organizational structurethat encourages team spirit andopenness to changewith members that appreciate and endorse our corporate values.

- To form a community that improves its members’ efficiency and quality of work and attracts talentswithin its sector.


Selection and Placement :

The potential candidates for our open positions are interviewed by our HR team. The best candidates out of the HR pool are selected with reliable and standardized methods. We hire the candidates who have the most suitable talents to our needs. We are a supporter of equal opportunity and we do not discriminate based on religion, race, gender or age. Our hiring process begins with aninitial interview to rate candidates by their professional competences. The candidates who are chosen by Human Resources schedule an interview with the relevant department managers regarding their skills and experience.


Recruitment and Development :

Positionsare offered to the candidates who are best fits to our expectations. If our offer is accepted, the candidate is required to complete the hiring paperwork. After the paperwork, the candidate officially becomes part of our team.After the hiring process is completed, feedbacks are given to the applicants who were not chosen.The recruitment and development process follows the hiring process. We aim inthis processfor all our hires to add value to both themselves and the firm. In order to shape all our hires to be value-adding members, we encourage them to be:

- Analysts who are talented at acquiring and using information

- Creative users of information age tools

- Flexible thinkers

- Problem solvers

- Socially, culturally and technicallyadvanced individuals

With our firm’s diverse support, our recruits can reach to their maximum potential.


If you have any questions for our human resources department or want to apply for a position, you can send an email to



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